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AGENDA   Tuesday, March 29   

15.00 Registration
16.00 Opening permanent Poster Session
18.30 Welcome Cocktail
Abstracts of all talks

AGENDA   Wednesday, March 30   
dedicated to the memory of Guido Zappa
9.20 Welcome greetings
  Chairman: Mariagrazia Bianchi
9.40 O. KEGEL, Remarks on uncountable simple groups beyond
10.20 A. ZALESSKI, Automorphisms of the rational group algebras of finite groups
11.00 Coffee break
  Chairman: Christoph Hering
11.25 M. KUZUCUOGLU, Homogeneous monomial groups
12.10 R. HAZRAT, The Grothendieck group as a classification tool for algebras
12.35 A. LUCCHINI, The Chebotarev invariant of a finite group
13.30 Lunch break
  Chairman: Ted Hurley
15.00 N. VAVILOV, Decomposition of unipotents: coming of age
15.45 L. MARGOLIS, Subgroup isomorphism problem and Sylow theorems for units in integral group rings
16.05 G. FERNANDEZ-ALCOBER, Beauville structures in finite p-groups
16.40 Coffee break
  Chairman: Luigi Serena
17.05 Z. ARAD, On normalized integral table algebras generated by a faithful non-real element of degree 3 with an element of degree 2
17.50 V. BOVDI, Free subgroups in group rings
18.15 M. PELLEGRINI, Algebras and regular subgroups
21.30 Recital of classical Neapolitan songs
AGENDA   Thursday,  March 31   
dedicated to the memory of Mario Curzio
  Chairman: Tullio Ceccherini-Silberstein
9.10 R. GRIGORCHUK, Groups, automata and automatically generated sequences
10.15 F. DE GIOVANNI, From finite to infinite: a strategy for groups of high cardinality
11.00 Coffee break
  Chairman: Russell Higgs
11.25 J. WILSON, First-order group theory and branch groups
12.10 M. GARONZI, Finite groups with 6 automorphism orbits
12.30 M. HERZOG, Recent generalizations of the Berkovich-Chillag-Herzog theorem
13.15 Picture
13.30 Lunch break
  Chairman: Jill Dietz
15.00 C. CASOLO, Groups in which every subgroup is commensurable to a subnormal subgroup
15.35 U. DARDANO, Groups in which every subgroup is commensurable to a normal one
15.55 P. SHUMYATSKY, On the length of a finite group
16.40 Coffee break
  Chairman: Andrea Caranti
17.05 M. EVANS, Some questions suggested by Fitting's theorem
17.40 R. HAFEZIEH, Cycles and bipartite divisor graph on irreducible character degrees
18.00 C. QUADRELLI, The Zassenhaus p-filtration and F_p-cohomology for profinite groups
18.20 R. SHWARTZ, Generalized Hultman numbers, and new generalized Hultman numbers, and their connection to generalized commuting probability
AGENDA   Friday, April 1   
dedicated to the memory of Wolfgang Kappe
9.30 Social trip: boat tour of Ischia
13.30 Lunch break
  Chairman: Thomas Keller
15.00 P.P. PALFY, A group theoretical problem inspired by the Cerny conjecture
15.40 D. NIKOLOVA-POPOVA, On the covering number of small symmetric groups and some sporadic simple groups
16.00 M. DIXON, The relationship between the upper and lower central series: a survey
16.35 A. BALLESTER-BOLINCHES, On metacyclic subgroups of finite groups
17.10 L.-C. KAPPE, On the nonabelian tensor product of cyclic groups of p-power order
18.30 Concert of baroque music
AGENDA   Saturday, April 2   

  Chairman: Carmela Musella
9.10 L. KURDACHENKO, On influence of subgroup families, which have some finite ranks, on the structure of groups
9.50 D. LEVY, Groups equal to a product of three conjugate subgroups
10.15 A. JAIKIN-ZAPIRAIN, Pro-p methods in the theory of finite p-groups
11.00 Coffee break
  Chairman: Brendan McCann
11.25 E. KHUKHRO, Almost Engel finite and profinite groups
12.00 A. KIEFER, Generators for discrete subgroups of 2-by-2 matrices over rational quaternion algebras
12.20 M. ZORDAN, Representation zeta functions of arithmetic groups
12.40 M. LEWIS, Brauer characters of q'-degrees
13.30 Lunch break
  Chairman: Paolo Papi
15.00 A. PLAGNE, There are still many good unsolved problems in finite abelian groups: the point of view of additive combinatorics
15.45 C. ACCIARRI, Coverings of commutators in profinite groups
16.10 G. TRAUSTASON, On the Hirsch-Plotkin radical of stability groups
20.30 Social dinner
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