Luca Vitagliano  


I am a Full Professor of Geometry at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Salerno, Italy.


I work in Differential Geometry and Mathematical Physics.



Prof. Luca Vitagliano,

Via Giovanni Paolo II, n° 132

84084 Fisciano (SA), Italy


Office: University Campus in Fisciano, Building F2, First Floor, Room n° 035



phone: +39 089 96 33 31

fax: +39 089 96 33 03


official web page:








Immagine che contiene testo, schermata, grafica, libro

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A Primer on Smooth Manifolds, World Scientific





- INdAM Intensive Period on Poisson Geometry and Mathematical Physics

- Poisson 2024 – Summer School and International Conference





Geometry at UniSa


- Geometry Group at the University of Salerno







My research interests are towards Differential Geometry with a special emphasis on Poisson Geometry, Lie Algebroids and Groupoids, Differentiable Stacks, Geometric Methods in Mathematical Physics, Geometric Methods for PDEs, Differential Calculus over Commutative Algebras, Homological Methods in Geometry and Physics, Secondary Calculus.


- My Curriculum Vitae

- My Research papers

- Selected Talks and Lecture Notes





PhD Students


- Antonio Maglio

(2021-present, University di Salerno)

Research Topic: Contact Structures on Differentiable Stacks.


- Pier Paolo La Pastina

(2016-2019, Sapienza - University of Rome)

Thesis Title: Deformations of Vector Bundles in the Category of Lie Groupoids (defended February 11, 2020).


- Jonas Schnitzer

         (2016-2019, University of Salerno)

         Thesis Title: Local and Global Properties of Jacobi related Geometries (defended December 18, 2019).


- Alfonso Tortorella

         (2013-2016, University of Florence)

         Thesis Title: Deformations of Coisotropic Submanifolds in Jacobi Manifolds (defended March 10, 2017).







This year (2023/2024) I teach:


- Geometry II (undergraduate degree in Mathematics: 1st year, 2nd semester, odd badge number).


- Homology and Cohomology (undergraduate degree in Mathematics: 3rd year, 1st semester, free choice course).


- Elements of Higher Geometry (Master degree in Mathematics: 1st year, 1st semester).



Lecture Notes:


·     Geometry II (in Italian)

·     Elements of Higher Geometry

·     Homology and Cohomology







Interested students may write a thesis with me on Linear Algebra, Homological Algebra, Algebraic Topology, Calculus and Commutative Algebra, Differential Geometry, Differential Geometric Methods in Theoretical Mechanics, Differential Geometric Methods for PDEs.







- Mathematics


         Alexandre Vinogradov



- Origami


Centro Diffusione Origami

Origami Database

Joseph Wu

Robert Lang

Eric Joisel

Satoshi Kamiya