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Dottorato di Ricerca in Matematica



Ottobre 2012
Mercoledì 31, ore 14:30, Sala Riunioni - DipMat
Large deviation principles for telegraph processes and random flights, dr. Claudio MACCI (Università di Roma Tor Vergata)
Settembre 2012
Giovedì 20, ore 10:00, aula 23 - Facoltà di Ingegneria
3D-2D dimensional reduction for a nonlinear optimal design problem with perimeter penalization, prof. CARITA
Martedì 18, ore 15:00, Sala Riunioni - DipMat
The Tulczyjew triple - from statics to mechanics and field theory, prof.ssa Katarzyna GRABOWSKA (Università di Varsavia)
Luglio 2012
Martedì 3, ore 11:30, Sala Riunioni - DipMat
A restriction on the normalizers or centralizers in finite p-groups, dr.ssa. Leire LEGARRETA (Università dei Paesi Baschi)
Giugno 2012
Mercoledì 6, ore 10:00, Sala Riunioni - DipMat
Noise in life, prof. Kevin BURRAGE (University of Oxford and Queensland University of Technology)
Martedì 5, ore 15:00, Sala Riunioni - DipMat
Ion channel dynamics in cardiac cells, prof. Kevin BURRAGE (University of Oxford and Queensland University of Technology)
Lunedì 4, ore 15:00, Sala Riunioni - DipMat
Coping with heterogeneity through fractional models, prof. Kevin BURRAGE (University of Oxford and Queensland University of Technology)
Maggio 2012
Lunedì 21, dalle ore 14:30 alle ore 17:30, martedì 22, dalle ore 10:00 alle ore 13:00, mercoledì 23, dalle ore 9:30 alle ore 12:30, Sala Riunioni - DipMat
Form methods for second order elliptic operators , prof. E.M. OUHABAZ (Università di Bordeaux I, Francia)
Lunedì 7, ore 16:00, Sala Riunioni - DipMat
Generalized MObius - Listing's bodies and some properties of theirs, prof. I. TAVKHELIDZE (I. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Georgia)
Aprile 2012
Venerdì 20, dalle ore 12:00 alle ore 14:00, Sala Riunioni - DipMat
p-Gruppi con poche classi di normalizzanti, prof. Rolf BRANDL, Wurzburg University, Germany
Giovedì 12, dalle ore 11:00 alle ore 13:00, Sala Riunioni - DipMat
Una rassegna di risultati asintotici per modelli d'urna rinforzati stocasticamente e loro applicazioni, dott.ssa Irene CRIMALDI, Istituto di Alti Studi, Lucca
Abstract: Urn models are a very popular topic because of their applications in various fields: sequential clinical trials, biology, economics and computer science. A large number of "replacement policies" has been considered and studied by many authors, from different points of view and by means of different methods. As regards asymptotics in urn models, there is not a unique reference framework. Rather, there are many (ingenious) disjoint ideas, one for each class of problems. Well known examples are martingale methods, exchangeability, branching processes and so on. We will illustrate some recent convergence results for two kinds of randomly reinforced urn models: the first one is a multicolor randomly reinforced Polya urn and the second one is a "Poisson-Dirichlet type" sequence. For reader's convenience we will review the known asymptotic results for the classical multicolor Polya urn and the classical Poisson-Dirichlet sequence. We will also discuss a recent application of these results to analyze complex networks.
Mercoledì 4, ore 15:00, Sala Riunioni - DipMat
Fixed points of automorphisms in locally finite simple groups, dott. Kivanc ERSOY, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Istanbul
Mercoledì 4, ore 9:00, aula P1 - Facoltà di Scienze MM. FF. NN.
Matematica-altre scienze-mondo reale: un legame inscindibile?, prof. Pierluigi COLLI, Università di Pavia

Marzo 2012
Venerdì 23, ore 15:00, Sala Riunioni - DipMat
On groups whose proper subgroups are Chernikov-by-Baer, prof. Nadir TRABELSI, Università di Setif, Algeria
Venerdì 23, ore 12:00, Sala Riunioni - DipMat
Variations on a theme of Desmond MacHale, prof.ssa Luise-C. KAPPE, University of Binghamton, USA
Giovedì 22, ore 16:00, Sala Riunioni - DipMat
Cantor's diagonalization revisited: constructing transcendental numbers, prof.ssa Luise-C. KAPPE, University of Binghamton, USA
Martedì 20, ore 16:00, aula F7 - DipMat
La vita è meravigliosa! - Riflessioni su una carriera da matematico, prof.ssa Luise-C. KAPPE, University of Binghamton, USA
Giovedì 15, ore 15:00, Sala Riunioni - DipMat
Construction of Nordsieck methods with quadratic stability function, dott. Michal BRAS, University of Science and Technology, Kraków, Poland
Abstract: General linear methods are a wide class of numerical methods for solving ordinary differential systems which includes many classical methods, such as for example Runge-Kutta or linear multistep methods. We concentrate on construction of methods in Nordsieck form with the so-called quadratic stability (QS). We illustrate inherent quadratic stability conditions and describe the search for implicit and explicit methods with QS and the optimal properties of stability and efficiency.

Febbraio 2012
Venerdì 10, ore 11:00, Sala Riunioni - DipMat
Algorithms to identify some classes of groups defined in terms of normality, permutability, and Sylow permutability, prof. Ramon ESTEBAN-ROMERO, Università di Valencia
Abstract: We describe some algorithms which allow us to identify permutable and S-permutable subgroups and whether a group is a T-group, a PT-group, or a PST-group (that is, normality, permutability, or Sylow permutability are transitive relations in the group). These algorithms have been implemented in GAP.

Gennaio 2012
Mercoledì 25, giovedì 26 e venerdì 27, ore 11:00, Sala Riunioni - DipMat
Translations between logical systems, prof. FEITOSA, Universidade Estadual de Sao Paulo
Venerdì 27, ore 11:30, Sala Riunioni - DipMat
Dealing with parasitic behaviour in G-symplectic integrators, prof. John BUTCHER, Massey University - Nuova Zelanda
Martedì 24, ore 12:00, Sala Riunioni - DipMat
Introduction to Runge-Kutta and general linear methods, prof. John BUTCHER, Massey University - Nuova Zelanda
Lunedì 23, ore 16:30, aula P5 - DipMat
L'origine dei numeri complessi nel tardo Rinascimento, prof.ssa Veronica GAVAGNA

Dicembre 2011
Mercoledì 28, ore 10:00, Sala Riunioni - DipMat
Mereogeometries: a comparison, prof. Stefano BORGO, Università di Trento
Martedì 27, ore 15:00, Sala Riunioni - DipMat
A logical framework for similarity, prof. Stefano BORGO, Università di Trento

Novembre 2011
Mercoledì 2, ore 15:00, Sala Riunioni - DipMat
Small doubling in ordered groups, prof. Marcel HERZOG, Tel Aviv University
Lunedì 28, ore 16:00, aula 167 - DIEII
On Non-Variational Solutions for Second-Order Elliptic Equations with L^2-Coefficients, prof. Peter KOGUT
Giovedì 24, ore 16:00, aula 167 - DIEII
Diffusion in Turbolent Flow. Non Uniqueness of Weak Solutions, prof. Peter KOGUT